- Supports 229 girls to continue their education, all selected by community members who will be closely involved in supporting their success. All of the girls are disadvantaged in some way (they include girls orphaned by AIDS, those who are disabled, or girls who come from very poor families), yet they have taken on their personal challenges with enormous spirit, tenacity persistence, and dedication to their education. Batonga will support the scholars from grade 7 through grade 12 with scholarship packages that include tuition, uniforms, school supplies, mentoring, and community awareness activities that broadly promote girls’ education.
Czech Government Scholarships – Developing Countries
- The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic.
Study Options
- Bachelor/Master/Doctoral study programs plus one-year preparatory course of the Czech language
- Follow-up Master study programs or Doctoral study programs in the English language.
What does the scholarship cover?
- The scholarship covers all necessary costs related to stay and study in the CR.
- The scholarship amount is regularly amended. Currently the amount paid to students of a Bachelor’s, Master’s or follow-up Master’s study program stands at CZK 14,000 per month, whereas the amount paid to students of a Doctoral study program stands at CZK 15,000 per month.
- The above scholarship amount includes an amount designated for the payment of accommodation costs.
- Travel expenses for traveling to the Czech Republic and back to the student’s homeland are paid by the party that has nominated the student to study in the CR
Duke University – MasterCard Foundation Scholars
- The MasterCard Foundation Scholars at Duke University represent the intellect and energy of the youth of Sub-Saharan Africa. With a financial commitment of $13.5 million from
- At Duke, scholars work with professors who have decades of experience leading projects in Africa. Through challenging classes, research opportunities, and programs designed especially for these students, The MasterCard Foundation Scholars at Duke are provided the educational tools needed to become leaders. Duke recognizes education is a catalyst for social and economic betterment. This visionary program creates a pipeline of leaders for a global society. Duke is proud to be among a select group of institutions participating in the program’s inaugural year.
What does the scholarship cover?
The Scholarship will cover
- tuition,
- room and board,
- books and supplies,
- requisite travel and
- stipends.
In addition, a specialized academic mentoring program will offer MasterCard Foundation Scholars academic support and ensure that a cohesive learning community is established.
- International Scholarship Program for Africa (4). VALUE: $100,000 ($25,000 x 4 years). Must be citizen of an African country. To renew — maintain high academic standing (7.8 on a 9-point York scale) in each academic year at York.
Other Options
- Free Scholarships – http://www.
freeundergraduatescholarships. info/ - Top Undergrad Scholarships – http:// category/level-of-study/ undergraduate/ - Top Graduate Scholarships – http:// category/level-of-study/ graduate/ - Join the Discussion at our Forum – http://
myinternationalscholarships. com/forum
Idohou roland says
Dear Brothers and Sisters
My name is Idohou Roland .My age is35.I became born again since 1993.Iam in
possession of living word school certificate,in the year 2001.I spent 7
years in practical training with a chuch by name winners chapel and divine
grace in a missionary work .today having started my ministry which is to
preach the gospel to the poor,heal the seack .We also care for the orphans
…..It is my ardent desire to be in partnership with you so as to have a
break-through in the religious duties .franckly Republic of Benin is one of
the peaceful countries in the black continent of africa .We very much count
on your cooperation and thank you in advance . God be with you
pastor Idohou roland