I greet you in precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
My name is John Marco Ndaluka married to Martha Ndaluka. We are from Geita, Tanzania. God has blessed us with four children, and we are taking care of four orphans in our family. So we can say that we have eight children.
God call me into His full time ministry in 1984. Then I joined Bible school in Tanzania, after I graduated the church sent me to serve the Lord in a Local church an an:
- Assistant pastor, 1987 to 1991,
- Diocesan youth coordinator, 1992 to 1993,
- Senior Pastor 1994 to 2000,
- Acting Assistant to the Bishop 2000 to2002,
- Assistant to the Bishop 2000 to 2006.
In 2006, we thank God to open the door for me with my family to study at Scott Theological College in Machakos, Kenya.
My local church at home is not able to pay school fees for me. In deed, I come from a background whereby my family is also unable to assist me financially as a student. Since God has called me into His full time ministry, I feel that He is able to provide for my fiscal. I pray that God enables you to partner with me in this call for the ministry. Currently, I have 1000 $ from AIM International, and 500 $ from to my friends. However, this amount of money not enough for my school fees and the family expenses. The total amount needed for my school fees and the family expenses is 4500 $. So that I asking you to pray for me to get 3000 $. My heart is for the lost, and in particular, the people in my home place. So, I want to declare that when I finish my study, I will go back to my home place, that is Geita – Tanzania, to serve God there as a pastor-teacher. We have a Bible school, which lacks trained teachers, and I think God is calling me to serve Him in that capacity. Please pray for me so that this plan will be true by the help of God. My view for ministry is based on the call Jesus made in Matthew 28:18-20, so that the church of Christ may grow both qualitatively and quantitatively. If I get the opportunity to teach Bible students in my home place, basically the Kingdom of God will be expanded because many other people will come to know Christ as their Savior through my students (disciples).