Below is a list of the top 20 schools in KCSE 2024 and their mean grades.
20. Kabianga High School – 9.6474
- This school is located in Belgut Constituency, Kericho County, Kenya. It is a boys’ boarding national school.
19. Kiage Tumaini High School – 9.68
- Kiage Tumaini High School is located near Kisii town in Nyaribari Chache Constituency, Kisii County, Kenya. It is a mixed boarding school.
18. Maranda High School – 9.70
- Maranda High School is located near Maranda Market, along the Kisumu-Bondo road in Bondo Sub-county. It is a national boys’ boarding school.
17. Muranga High School – 9.72
- Muranga High School is a national boarding school for boys located in Muranga County, in Kiharu Constituency, 1.5 kilometers from Muranga Town.
16. St Brigid’s Girls’ High School Kiminini – 9.72
- St. Brigid’s Girls’ High School Kiminini is a national boarding school for girls located in Kiminini Sub-County, Trans-Nzoia County, along the Kitale-Webuye road.
15. Maseno School – 9.73
- Maseno School is a national boarding school for boys located in Maseno Town, Kisumu County. This school has maintained its position as one of the top 20 schools in KCSE 2024.
14. Moi Girls’ High School Eldoret – 9.765
- This school is located in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya, along the Eldoret-Kisumu Road, around 5 kilometers from Eldoret Town. It is a national girls’ boarding school.
13. Pangani Girls’ School – 9.841
- Pangani Girls’ High School is a national boarding school for girls located in Nairobi County, along Juja Road in the Pangani area.
12. Friends School Kamusinga – 9.886
- This school, which also shows strength in the sporting arena, is located in Bungoma County, Kenya, in Kimilili Sub-county. It is a national boarding school for boys.
11. Moi High School Kabarak – 9.89
- Moi High School Kabarak, founded by the late President Daniel arap Moi, is located in Kabarak, Nakuru County. It is a private mixed boarding school.
10. Light Academy Nairobi – 10
- Light Academy is a private boarding school for boys, located in the Karen area of Nairobi County, along Karen Plains Road.
9. Mang’u High School – 10.011
- This boys-only national boarding school is located along the Thika-Nairobi highway, just before Witeithie, approximately 6 kilometers from Thika Town.
8. Alliance Girls’ High School – 10.038
- Alliance Girls’ High School is situated in Kikuyu Town, Kiambu County. This girls-only boarding school has been one of the best performers in the KCSE examinations over the years.
7. Maryhill Girls’ High School – 10.051
- Maryhill Girls’ High School, located along the Thika-Mang’u road approximately 11 kilometers from Thika Town, is a national boarding school for girls.
6. Strathmore School – 10.087
- Strathmore School is a private day school for boys that the Opus Dei founded. It is located on Mzima Springs Lane, Lavington, Nairobi County.
5. Starehe Boys – 10.112
- This school is located along General Waruinge Road, Pumwani, Nairobi County. It is a national boarding school for boys that admits a small number of day scholars.
4. Kenya High School – 10.131
- Kenya High School has for many years been one of the top 20 schools in KCSE. It is a national boarding school for girls located along Mandera Road in Kileleshwa, Nairobi County.
3. Kapsabet Boys’ High School -10.145
- Kapsabet Boys’ High School is situated in Kapsabet Town, Nandi County, Kenya. It is a boys-only national boarding school.
2. Alliance High School – 10.310
- Alliance High School is another of the top 20 Schools in KCSE 2024. It is a boys-only public national boarding school located in Thogoto, Kikuyu Town, Kiambu County.
1. Merishaw School – 10.569
- This school is a private boys’ high school in Kenya, located along the Isinya-Namanga Road in Kajiado County.
This list of top 20 schools in KCSE 2024 highlights who the academic giants of the country, with a few surprise entrants into the top acheivers’ list.
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