Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela
Education matters. It matters for our world and it matters for the future of each country and if Africa is to obtain the potential the lies within its people it matters it Africa. a division of which exists to promote educational excellence throughout Africa. We believe that with information comes accountability and choice for parents and students. Low preforming schools should be pointed out so they are challenged to improve. High preforming schools should be recognized for the hard work they are doing.
Our current rankings include various countries and focus on Secondary Schools and University. We also list some primary and/or Junior Secondary Schools where results are available.
Currently are Top 10 SECONDARY SCHOOL RANKING include rankings from these countries.
We also provide UNIVERSITY RANKINGS for these countries
In addition to this we have also published:
- Junior High School Rankings for GHANA
- KCPE Primary School Rankings for KENYA
Most of the above rankings are based on academic performance calculated from exam results. Although these results do provide useful information we believe they do not give a whole picture of the quality of an education from a school.
To help provide better data we launched the STUDENT SATISFACTION SURVEY. This measures more subjective data based on student experience and interactions and the school. The data that has been collected provides important insights into the schools and help provide excellent data for our comprehensive rankings.
1. Take the Student Satisfaction Survey
If your school has made notable advancements in any of these areas we invite you to submit the information for our consideration in next years rankings.
Worthy information includes student or school participation and/or performance in various competitions, academic achievements for both student and faculty, facility improvements to a school, etc.
2. Submit a Notable Achievement for your School
Make sure your school is as part of our comprehensive directory of schools in your country. You can also make a comment about the quality of education at your school and give your school a “star” grade. Here are the listings of directories by country
We are also looking for additional local researches to join our team. We pay moderate rates to help offset your costs. If you have access to local records related to school performance and/or share a similar passion for education advancement in Africa and would like to join our team you can find us on oDesk – or you can contact me here .
“Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of the mine worker can become head of the mines, that the child of a farm worker can become president of a great nation” –Nelson Mandela
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