- Our passion is to see individuals, communities, and nations transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We promote this transformation by positioning Christ-centered staff in strategic locations worldwide utilizing aviation, communications, learning technologies, other appropriate technologies and related services. In accomplishing our mission, we collaborate with churches, subsidiaries, partners, and networks.
Day by day, throughout Africa, Asia, Eurasia, and Latin America, people are enjoying healthier, more spiritually complete lives due to the prayers and generosity of people like you.
… Local pastors are often just a 40-minute flight from ministering in neighboring villages… Third-world victims of natural disasters receive adequate medical supplies, treatment, and food relief within hours or days… And community water wells are being dug, providing safe drinking water for thousands.
If MAF were not uplifted by its supporters to be such a strong instrument of the Christian community… those same local pastors might walk for six days to reach their neighbors to minister to them… The disastrous results of floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes would be much more prolonged and magnified… And safe, clean drinking water might be miles away from people’s homes.
Mission Aviation Fellowship focuses on five specific areas of activity in reaching out to help those in need:
- Evangelism and Church Support: Connecting missionaries and local pastors with unreached people, transporting national church workers to isolated villages, and theological eduction by extension.
- Community Development: Supplying and transporting Christian staff and supplies for health and community improvement projects, village enhancements such as water wells, and small MAF-built hydroelectric plants.
- Medical Assistance: Providing medical emergency evacuations, transporting medicines and health workers to the sick and injured.
- Crisis Relief: Transporting food for the hungry, and critical relief supplies and agency personnel to disaster areas.
- National Training: Educating pilots, mechanics, avionics technicians, radio and electronics specialists, and administrative and support personnel.
Richard Morris says
Do you remember our meeting in Nakuru?
Samuel Awer Garang says
Dearest friends brethren and sisters working within MAF
Am grateful to share by you this wonderful moment and higly time of connecting to one another.
May you mind to keep in touch with me or let share with some things that beyond my capacity in my my Minstries.
Such as techical assistances and spiritual assistance are requires
+ Bishop Samuel Awer Garang
for Anglican Church of Sudan Diocese of Gogrial
Awic Acs Central